
Big School, Small Team: How Career Services Can Make an Outsized Impact with Limited Resources

Learn how two career services leaders, both from large public institutions, manage sky-high student-to-staff ratios and make a big impact with a small team.

Portrait photograph of Amanda Morgan
Briana Randall
Christina Butler
Amanda Morgan, Briana Randall, Christina Butler

It’s no secret that career services teams all over the country are generally overworked and understaffed. Student-to-staff ratios are unimaginably high. Budgets are tight and adding more staff is often out of the question. Yet the expectation for exceptional career outcomes remains high.

Amanda Morgan of Washington State University and Briana Randall of University of Washington, both large public institutions, face this reality every day as both of their teams are responsible for serving and engaging more than 30,000 students each. With each team managing student-to-advisor/coach ratios of roughly 5,000:1, they embody what it means to be “doing more with less.”

In this webinar, we talked with Amanda and Briana, along with uConnect customer success manager and former career services professional Christina Butler, about how they’ve increased student engagement with career resources by getting creative with limited resources. 

They shared best practices and strategies around:

  • Foundational elements they’ve put in place that are critical to scaling their team’s work
  • Tools and technologies their teams are leveraging 
  • Strategies for communicating the consistent flow of events and opportunities to students
  • How they manage partnerships with other stakeholders on and off campus
  • Prioritization: how they decide what is top priority and what is in their scope to achieve

About our guests

  • Portrait photograph of Amanda Morgan

    Amanda Morgan

    Associate Director, Career Services
    Washington State University
  • Briana Randall

    Briana Randall

    Executive Director, Career & Internship Center
    University of Washington
  • Christina Butler

    Christina Butler

    Customer Education Manager