
Expand Your Center’s Budget: Tips for Securing New Funding Streams

Join us on July 23 to learn how the University of Washington has found alternative funding streams to support their career center.

Briana Randall
Briana Randall
Executive Director, Career & Internship Center
University of Washington

Expenses and expectations are increasing, yet traditional funding sources are not. Alternative funds are often available if you know where to look and how to pitch a request that aligns with funder goals.

Join this webinar to hear from Briana Randall, Executive Director at the University of Washington, and learn what’s worked and what hasn’t during their four-year journey to generate revenue for their career center. 

Note: This webinar will be hosted in the Career Everywhere community. To register for the webinar, you’ll first need to join the community. Click “Register” below to learn more and join.

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About our guests

  • Briana Randall

    Briana Randall

    Executive Director, Career & Internship Center
    University of Washington